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Getting Started
JOTA-JOTI allows young people to connect with other Scouts & Guides around the world, to make new friends and learn about international Scouting.
Visit our “connect” tab for more information on connecting to our network, the best way to join our IRC service is via our webchat – https://webchat.scoutlink.net/
Finding the best channel is easy. Visit www.scoutlink.net/channels/ or use the webchat dropdown to find the most appropriate channel to join. To join once connected to the network you can use the command – /join #channel
Over JOTA-JOTI users will be automatically redirected to a subchannel to ensure channel size is appropriate. E.G. if you join the #english channel you will be automatically redirected to a subchannel.
Every channel has an operator, they are moderating the channel and ensuring that the rules www.scoutlink.net/rules/ are being followed. They can be identified with an “@” before their name or in the “Operators” section of the user list.
Within our #help channel, you can ask questions and get support or advice, this channel is also a great way to contact a senior operator. During JOTA-JOTI there is always an Operator in Charge, this person can be identified as an “Owner” or “Admin”.
Team members that are “Voiced” are support volunteers who will be available to answer any questions.
The #leaders channel is an English speaking channel available for leaders to network with each other and will also contain the Operator in Charge using the same structure as the help channel.
Connection Limits
There is a limit of 25 users per IP.
This means that if you have more than 25 clients (computers or mobile devices set up to access chat) at your JOTA-JOTI station and are only using one router, then we need to know about it to allow you more connections. Please send an email to our Tech Team (techteam@scoutlink.net), or via the Contact Us page (make sure you select Tech Team).
Please make sure you include the IP address or Host you will have during JOTA-JOTI in your email, and the number of clients, so that we can give you permission to connect more than 25 users.
Top Tips
1. Ensure you have read our rules and safety information with your group – www.scoutlink.net/rules & www.scoutlink.net/safety | 2. Test your setup before JOTA-JOTI weekend and learn how to navigate the client or webchat | 3. Use a group nickname structure e.g. groupname_1, groupname_2, groupname_leader |
4. Have a leader join the #leaders channel | 5. Prepare “icebreaker” conversation starters with your group before starting | 6. Interact with us on Social Media – you can find us on Facebook & Twitter |
7. Supervise young people at all times! Know where to get help including our #help & #leaders channel and on our website – www.scoutlink.net/contact *Over JOTA-JOTI a phone number is also available* |
Registering nicknames
Use the following guide to get your group nicknames registered. Remember to use an easy to identify structure – e.g. groupname_1, groupname_2, groupname_leader. Follow the steps in order changing the red text.
- Register the Leader nickname –
- Set your nickname – /nick groupname_leader
- Register nickname – /msg NickServ REGISTER password youremail@example.com
- Register the group nicknames
- Set the nickname – /nick groupname_1
- Group nickname using leader details – /msg nickserv group groupname_leader password
- All set to go… Log in as each user (known as identifying)
- Change to the nickname – /nick groupname_1
- Identify – /msg nickserv identify password
*NOTE – It is recommended to type commands in the server window and not in the main channel*
To play on ScoutLink Minecraft you need the computer edition, which you can buy from Mojang at https://minecraft.net/en/store/minecraft/
Start Minecraft and choose “Multiplayer”.
Add new server and type minecraft.scoutlink.net as the server address (we use standard port 25565).
When you log in for the first time you spawn at the hub. This is a global meeting place where you chose which gamemode you want to play (survival, creative, mini-games or city-world). Just walk through the portal below each heading to join that gamemode. You can also type /survival, /creative, /city or /skyworld.
Remember you can change gamemode at any time, just type /hub to get to the hub or any of the commands above.
For more information visit our minecraft page – www.scoutlink.net/minecraft
Good activities
The best way to take part in JOTA-JOTI is to build it into a bigger event about communication and international scouting.
You can find activity ideas at the following places…
- ScoutLink activity packs (www.scoutlink.net/activities)
- WOSM activity packs (www.jotajoti.info/)
After the event
- Think about what went well and what could be improved upon next year.
- ScoutLink will have a feedback process which will be advertised after JOTA-JOTI – your comments are really important to us and help us make JOTA-JOTI better year after year.
- Join our discourse platform – www.scoutlink.net/discourse/ to continue conversations
- If you have any photos you would like to share for us to use on our website, please get in touch!
For a printable version of this guide please download it here –ScoutLink_JOTA-JOTI_Guide